Womb portal
꩜ Reconnect ꩜ Remember ꩜ Return
Returning to our cyclical nature, remembering and re-CONNECTING to our wombs, our menstrual cycle and the EARTH.
I guide Wild Souls journeying this Spiral path of healing. Learn how to chart your cycle, Work with the energies of the Celtic Wheel of the year and your menstrual cycle. Learn how to live more in tune with the Earth, her cycles and how we are connected. Work with the energies and archetypes for each phase ~ The turning of the wheel of the year. Support each phase with herbal remedies. Cycle awareness and Womb connection.
Connect to your power, wisdom and life source. Learn to live from the Womb. Delve into the Blood Mysteries, our Wombs oracle guidance. Connect with your blood, learn to use in ritual with self and Earth. Work with the energies of Death and Rebirth. Journal exploration of the detoxifying, releasing and shedding process of menstruation physically, spiritually, emotionally and energetically.
Supported personal containers for you to remember, reconnect and return to your Womb, menstrual cycle, the earth and your cyclical nature. These courses are to empower and support your personal spiral path of healing.
Sacred reciprocity
Learn how to give offerings to the Earth with your blood, connecting with the sacred waters of this planet and our own waters of life flowing through us.
“There is an ancient Hopi prophecy that goes,”When the women give their blood back to the earth, men will come home from war and earth shall find peace.” Many women today are reclaiming the sacredness of their blood and choosing to rewrite the narrative that this time we’ve been told is a curse is in fact the greatest deception: the light of ceremony and ancient power can be reclaimed. The ways women connect with the land: offering her blood to Earth also to nurture her own wellbeing through acceptance of the cycles.
Ceremony and ritual
Learn how to use your menstrual blood in ceremony and ritual, with yourself and Earth. In Celtic Britain, to be stained with the red (menstrual blood) meant you were chosen by the goddess. The Celtic word “ruadh” means both red and royal.
Living cyclically
Learn how to live in tune with the Earth and her cycles as well as your menstrual cycle. Connect deeply with Mother Earth her wisdom and the wisdom of you Womb. Walk this spiral path home to our true nature.
Cacao as a womb medicine
꩜ Ceremonial Cacao is a superfood and is packed with nutrients to support your Womb especially during menstruation. Cacao is one of the richest food sources of Magnesium. Magnesium supports Brain function, supports the Heart increases overall vigour of the heart muscle helping to lower blood pressure. Helps to soothe our nervous system (especially supportive to those healing PTSD or experienced trauma). Magnesium relaxes muscles reducing menstrual cramping by relaxing the uterus. Helping in reducing PMS symptoms by regulating the hormone progesterone responsible for PMS. When we are loosing blood through menstruation it is a great undertaking for our body and we are loosing Iron by releasing blood, Cacao contains iron as well as other essential minerals to support us during moontime.
꩜ Cacao also contains an amazing blend of molecules that boost our mood, to feel more pleasure and reduced pain during menstruation and throughout our cycle. Cacao contains Tryptophan which increases Serotonin the happy molecule in our brains lifting our mood. She also contains an incredible molecule named Anandamide, the bliss molecule. Anandamide is a endogenic cannabinoid (the only one found in another plant that is not cannabis!) which is a neurotransmitter that works with the same structures at THC (the active ingredient in cannabis). Anandamide is released when we feel good, experience pleasure, it increases motivation, forms new nerve cells and increases pain threshold. It is also an antidepressant and relieves anxiety. The name comes from Sanskrit word ‘Ananda’ meaning joy, bliss and happiness.
꩜ She contains Phenylethlamine, the love molecule which is also found in blue algae and MDMA. This stimulates the feelings of being in love. Increasing endorphin levels, reducing pain, mitigate stress, promoting feelings of wellbeing and euphoria.
꩜ Ever wondered why we crave chocolate when bleeding? The reason for this is because, when we begin to bleed our Serotonin levels drop and our insulin begins to increase. At the same time, a drop in progesterone and oestrogen production makes you more hungry than usual, especially for comfort food. This leaves us craving mood boosting foods such as chocolate to combat this shift, Cacao contains healthy fat in the form of Cacao Butter along with mood boosting molecules and is nutrient dense. Working with this medicine during your moon time is very supportive and delicious!
꩜ I have created blends of Ceremonial Cacao with flavours and herbs to support each phase of your cycle. Each hand poured block is a full Ceremonial dose of Cacao. There are four different blends representing each phase of your cycle, with herbal medicines added to support hormonal shifts.
The four phases are,
☽ BLOOD MOON ~ for use during Menstruation to support your body’s process of releasing and detoxifying. Representing the energies of the Crone, Winter season and our own inner winter Dreamtime. Working with the energies of death & rebirth.
☽ MAIDEN MOON ~ for use during follicular phase supporting our inner springtime. Representing the Maiden archetype, Spring and beginning of life.
☽ MOTHER MOON ~ for use during Ovulation, to support fertility our inner summer. Representing the Mother archetype, full and fertile blooming with strength and power.
☽ WILD WOMBYN MOON ~ for use during Luteal phase our inner autumn. Representing the waining moon and the wild woman archetype. Pre menstrual support for your womb.